
YoungMinds Online Privacy Policy

Last Modified: February 21, 2024

At YoungMinds Online, we recognize the significance of privacy and uphold intellectual property rights. This Privacy Policy is applicable to all our offerings, encompassing products, services, and websites collectively termed as “ services “.

1. Collection and Purpose of Personal Information

YoungMinds Online processes personal information for the following purposes:

  1. 1.1Delivering our services, encompassing personalized content, advertising display, and resource recommendations.
  2. 1.2Conducting audits, research, and analysis to enhance and safeguard our services.
  3. 1.3Ensuring the technical functionality of our network.
  4. 1.4Safeguarding the rights or property of YoungMinds Online and our users.
  5. 1.5Developing new services.

2. Option to Opt-Out

Upon registering for our services, users are required to provide personal information. If we intend to use this information for purposes other than its initial collection, we will seek your consent before doing so. An effective opt-out mechanism will be provided for any additional purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy.

    3. Cookie Policy

    While most browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, users have the option to reset their browser settings to refuse cookies or receive notifications when a cookie is being sent. Disabling cookies may impact the functionality of some YoungMinds Online product features.

      4. Information Sharing

      YoungMinds Online shares personal information with external entities in the following circumstances:

      1. 4.1With user consent, especially for sensitive personal information.
      2. 4.2With subsidiaries, affiliates, or trusted third parties for processing personal information on our behalf, adhering to confidentiality and security measures.
      3. 4.3When necessary to comply with the law, enforce Terms of Service, address fraud, security issues, or protect rights, property, or safety.
      4. 4.4In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, confidentiality of personal information will be ensured, and users will be notified before any transfer.

      5. Information Security

      YoungMinds Online employs security measures to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. Access to personal information is restricted to employees, contractors, and agents bound by confidentiality obligations.

        6. Data Integrity

        We process personal information only for the purposes it was collected, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and currency. Users are encouraged to update their information as necessary.

          7. Accessing and Updating Personal Information

          Users can access, correct, or request deletion of their personal information. Requests should be reasonable and comply with specified procedures outlined in service-specific privacy notices or FAQs.

            8. Enforcement

            YoungMinds Online regularly reviews compliance with this Privacy Policy. Users with concerns or questions can contact us at the provided address. Formal complaints will be addressed promptly, and cooperation with regulatory authorities will be ensured.

              9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

              This Privacy Policy may be periodically revised. Users will be informed of any significant changes, and the effective date of each version will be clearly indicated. YoungMinds Online will not diminish user rights without explicit consent.

                10. Contact Information

                For additional inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following address or by email or phone:

                  Last updated: 1 FEB 2024